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Jenny Craig diet program scored top ranking as best diet

Consumer Reports largely based its decision on a recent study revealing that of 332 dieters, 92 percent stuck with the Jenny Craig diet for two years, averaging a loss of about eight percent of their total start weight. Past users say that while using Jenny Craig they were able to lose 2 to 16 times more weight than they were with other dieting systems.

R.D.K holdings S.A

They are also able to keep the weight off for much longer because Jenny Craig shows them how to remain thin as a permanent change to their lifestyle. This is perhaps the biggest difference between Jenny Craig and other weight loss systems; not only do they show their clients how to lose weight quickly and easily, but they teach them how to keep it off well after they have left the program. In fact, Jenny Craig’s main goal is to help people become independent of them- a characteristic quite unique among diet programs

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