What can a diabetic eat? Cost of the illness soars

What can a diabetic eat which will help the control the high blood sugar? This is one of the more common questions we get on this site. Sadly, most people will spend thousands of dollars over the lifetime of the illness, and many with high blood sugar have no health insurance. The cost of diabetes is sky high. What can a diabetic eat? This is a very good question. The key to controlling this illness is healing.
It is crucial for a person with a high blood sugar to utilize a healing diet, nothing else is better. A sugar free diet is not a healing diet. One of the most misunderstood factors about high blood sugar, is the fact that people still believe that a sugar free diet will control the illness. While a sugar free diet will not harm you, it will not help produce a normal blood sugar.
What is happening in the body?
- When the blood sugar level is continually high it is a signal that the pancreas is not operating correctly, it is being worn out. It is tired of pumping insulin in an attempt to lower blood sugar.
- The cells of the body have been worn out; the cells do not accept the good insulin resulting in constant sugar “glucose” floods into the bloodstream. This is how the diabetic loses the fight. This is what opens the door to heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and loss of limbs. What can a diabetic eat may be the most important health question for the person with high blood sugar.
The alarming cost of Diabetes
The average person will spend more than $5,000 dollars a year to treat diabetes.
Last year more than $10,000 dollars was the cost for the average diabetes related kidney dialysis.
The costs are going higher! A new annual report released on Monday reveals the staggering increases that people with high blood sugar will pay.
How much the drug maker’s profit?
Each year the drug makers profit $7 billion dollars from the diabetics’ medications! These are incredible numbers! Yet the drugs often cause heart attacks, strokes and even death.
Last week Actos maker Tadeka agreed to pay back over $$$2 billion dollars from the damage done to so many diabetic’s hearts from the drug.
The whopping cost!
American Diabetes Association found that the total cost of diagnosed diabetes in the U.S. had risen 41 percent over the five-year period to $245 billion annually.
What should a diabetic eat? A healing diet is more powerful than any diabetes drug! We have revealed this in more than 17 countries. Thousands use a healing diet and produce a normal blood sugar.

The final cost of diabetes over the last 5 years as risen to $245 Billion dollars
...yet a simple $20 dollar diet can give you the same normal blood sugar.
Type 2 reverse Diabetes Diet produces a normal blood sugar in 17 countries
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